Name: Windows
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 236 Ib
Is known to have a calm like behavior during battle due to his previous works.
Works under the President himself. Partnered with Spetz for almost all of his missions.
Personality wise Windows is a quiet, hard working young man. Seems to be usually look angry, but has a kind heart.
Carries one pistol at all times, due to having it as a quick taker down.
Armor was first prototype enhanced with plasma energy. Equipped with Plasma shielding.
Was injured by a gun wound. Gun Wound created deep scaring. Scars resulted from both bullet and the suits electrical charge over powering.
Both wounds are hidden from plain sight and is preferred to keep it that way.
Somehow always keeps his hair tidy even though he never does anything with it.
Always wears lighter gear due to his smaller size and his speed.